Thursday, February 5, 2009

Talk: Assessment in open access and flexible learning courses

We are having a day of professional development here at Otago Polytechnic today, and I've been asked to give a talk on assessment in open access and flexible learning courses at 2.40pm today NZ time (2.40am UTC) which is in about 30 minutes from now.

Although the talk is taking place in a classroom, I have set up a web conference room for purposes of recording, and opening up potential participation to who knows who! To that end I hope to demonstrate how a standard lecture can be recorded and made available for access both live and after the fact.

Admittedly Elluminate limits access to those who can install it their ends, but rest assured I will be taking an audio file out for backup and access later for those who can't use Elluminate.

I plan to talk about our work in 2 courses:

I will reference the work of David Wiley, Temmu Leinonen, Steven Downes and George Seimens and their efforts to offer online open access courses.

I will explain how our two courses are run online, and the model we are developing for open access and eventual assessment. I hope to mention our plans to trial the flexible learning course as entirely free in access and assessment, and explain how and why we would do such a thing.

So if you find yourself available in 30 minutes, why not listen in on the webconference. I won't be able to focus on any text chat while I explain these things, but I hope to get the explaining out of the way within 20 minutes, leaving another 20 for questions and comments.

Hope to see someone in there :)

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